Laser Hair Removal


Tired of shaving, plucking, dying, or waxing unwanted hair on your face or body? Have you been suffering from uncomfortable in-grown hairs or areas of excessive hair growth? Save time and frustration by investing in laser hair removal. Body by Bloch has an experienced and friendly staff ready to assist you in achieving smooth, hair-free skin anywhere on your body. This treatment can be performed in our offices, which are conveniently located in Glenview and Highland Park. Call us today at Skin Deep Medical Spa to schedule a consultation.


What Is It?

Laser hair removal is a safe and effective treatment to permanently reduce hair in areas like the face, back, legs, arms, bikini line, and underarms. Many women have treated these areas for decades with shaving or waxing, pouring money into methods that only last a short time — some only for days. Laser hair removal is here to give you long-lasting and smooth skin. Hair follicles are permanently disabled over the course of several treatments, which you never have to worry about shaving or waxing again.


What Can I Expect?

During your appointment, a concentrated light beam will be aimed at the treatment area, which is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicles without damaging the skin. Most patients only feel a slight prickling sensation. After each laser treatment, you will notice less and less hair growing back and what does return becoming finer, lighter, and growing slower. After your final treatment, hair will stop growing back all together.


How Long Does It Take?

Laser hair removal is quick and painless, with most appointments lasting less than thirty minutes, depending on the area being treated. The number of treatments required varies from patient to patient and depends on the area of treatment, but on average, this process is completed over four to six rounds, each scheduled four to six weeks apart.

You can also return to your normal activities immediately after leaving the office. There is no downtime. The only preparation you need to do is to shave the area being treated between one and two days before the appointment. Avoid tanning beds or self-tanners one week prior to each treatment and do not wax or dye the hairs in the treatment area within two weeks leading up to your appointments.


When Can I Start?

People with all skin and hair types are candidates for hair reduction using laser hair removal. Recent technological advancements mean that those with blonde or red hair can now benefit from laser hair removal. Call Skin Deep Medical Spa today to schedule a laser hair removal consultation at our Glenview or Highland Park offices! We look forward to speaking with you and helping you fulfill your goal of silky smooth, healthy skin.

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