

Many women struggle with frustrating areas of fat, despite a healthy lifestyle of diet and exercise. We understand that you are seeking a non-surgical solution to this problem. That’s why Skin Deep Medical Spa is thrilled to offer SculpSure™, a body contouring treatment that utilizes laser technology to target and eliminate fat cells. We would love to talk to you about SculpSure™ at our Glenview or Highland Park office, so give us a call today to schedule your consultation.


How Does SculpSure™ Work?

This treatment uses lasers to target and heat the fat cells until they are effectively destroyed. From there the body identifies these cells as waste and works overtime to eliminate them through natural processes. For those that struggle with excess skin and tissue, getting rid of some of these stubborn cells can make a world of difference. SculpSure™ is able to do this naturally, with little to no downtime.


What Can I Expect?

Patients typically feel a cooling sensation over the course of the treatment, and occasionally a slight warming or tingling as the laser raises the temperature of fat cells in the targeted area. SculpSure can be used on most areas of the midsection or wherever you have an area of excess skin that doesn’t seem to be affected by healthy lifestyle changes. It can also be used to reduce the look of extra skin under the chin.


How Long Does It Take?

Each SculpSure™ treatment lasts approximately 25 minutes and requires no downtime. Sessions may take longer depending on the area being treated. After your treatment, you can leave the office and immediately return to your daily routine. Most patients choose to undergo multiple SculpSure™ treatments in order to get optimal results.


What About Results?

Because the fat cells that have been killed off by the laser need to be naturally eliminated from the body, you will begin to see results after four to six weeks. Maximum results are generally seen around three months after treatment. Due to each patient and treatment plan being customized, results will range from person to person. During your consultation, it may be recommended for you to have multiple sessions to achieve optimal results.


Am I a Candidate?

If you are looking for a way to relieve yourself of stubborn excess skin that refuses to go away despite a healthy lifestyle, SculpSure™ may be the treatment for you. Contact us today at Skin Deep Medical Spa, with locations in Highland Park and Glenview, to schedule your consultation. We look forward to helping you meet your goals for a healthier, happier you.

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