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The Lower Body Lift Addresses Excess Loose Skin

As we grow older, one of the most common signs of aging is the weakening of our skin tissue. This is due to the breakdown of a compound called elastin in our skin. Elastin, along with collagen, is responsible for the youthful appearance and texture of our skin. As time passes, our skin sags and becomes loose.

Another cause for loose skin is extreme weight loss or weight fluctuation. You can lose an immense amount of weight either by dieting or undergoing bariatric surgery. Following this extreme weight loss, you’re left with folds of excess skin, which can be rather unsightly and prevent you from wearing the clothes you love. They can also restrict mobility, which can be very frustrating. People who experience these issues are often recommended to undergo a lower body lift.


A lower body lift is a cosmetic procedure that helps remove excess loose skin and give you a more toned, youthful figure. This procedure involves sculpting the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and hips to give your body a more proportionate structure. This procedure is ideal for people who are at their ideal weight or close to it and are looking to achieve a better, more aesthetically pleasing figure.

A lower body lift is a single procedure that helps address the abdomen, hips, waist, thighs, and buttocks. This procedure may be conducted before or after an upper body lift procedure. The procedure involves an incision that extends around the patient’s lower torso, allowing the surgeon access to lift, tighten, and reshape the body. The length of the incision, as well as its pattern, depends on the patient’s body and how much excess skin needs to be removed. A skilled surgeon should be able to determine the appropriate incision and technique to suit your body and help achieve your goals.

During the procedure, the surgeon will remove excess skin as well as underlying fat and will tighten the tissues. Once the excess skin has been excised, the remaining skin and underlying tissue are pulled together and tightened. Different techniques are used for different parts of the body. The lower body lift procedure can also include other procedures such as abdominal contouring, the tummy tuck, and the inner thigh lift. The tissue incisions will be closed using deep support sutures that will help develop the newly formed contours.


Anybody who has undergone dramatic weight loss either through dieting or bariatric surgery is eligible for a lower body lift. The formation of excess loose skin can cause it to overhang, restricting mobility. The folds in the excess skin can also cause rashes, chafing, and even infections if not treated. People with any of these conditions should consider undergoing a lower body lift. This procedure is also suitable for people who have sagging skin and fat deposition in their abdomen, hip, thigh, and buttocks.

If you’re looking for a renewed appearance, then a lower body lift is what you should choose. This procedure can take years off your body and give you a more youthful figure.


If you want to plan out your lower body lift with a skilled medical professional, contact us for a consultation with Dr. Steven Block, a board-certified plastic surgeon.

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