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The Causes of Gynecomastia – and What You Can Do

Some men might experience an abnormal enlargement or swelling of one or both of their breasts. This condition is known as gynecomastia and can lead to embarrassment and a loss in self-esteem.


There are numerous potential causes for gynecomastia. In some cases, the enlargement of male breasts may be due to a hormonal imbalance within the body. It may also occur as a result of excessive weight gain, which can lead to the increase in production of estrogen within the body.

Some newborn babies or infants may be affected by gynecomastia due to the presence of large levels of their mother’s estrogen in their blood. In certain cases, teenage boys might suffer from a condition called pubertal gynecomastia, which occurs as a result of a hormonal imbalance in their adolescent bodies. Both of these conditions are temporary and do not require any medical treatment.

There are many middle-aged and even older men who develop signs of gynecomastia owing to several factors, including aging, obesity, alcohol consumption, or as a side effect of medication.


To determine the proper method of breast reduction, the patient needs to first consult with a medical practitioner to identify the probable causes of his condition. In case the breast enlargement is a resultant side effect of a medication the patient might be taking for some other ailment, the doctor might reduce its dosage or replace it entirely with another more suitable medication.

For obesity-related gynecomastia, the patient is advised to follow a proper diet and indulge in regular exercise to lose weight, which might indirectly also reduce the size of enlarged breasts.

In many cases of gynecomastia, the doctor can perform a male breast reduction procedure to remove the excess breast tissue from the body. Depending upon the type of gynecomastia the patient has, there are two male breast reduction surgery options: excision surgery and liposuction surgery.


One of the most common surgical approaches for male breast reduction is excision. This option is adopted in cases where a major portion of the swollen breast is filled with glandular tissue as opposed to fatty tissue, since glandular tissue cannot be effectively removed through liposuction.

Excision involves the creation of an incision on the chest. Depending upon the patient’s individual anatomy, varied lengths of incisions are made. After this occurs, the glandular tissue is carefully removed using a scalpel. If excess drooping skin is present, this is trimmed away. Finally, the incision is closed using medical sutures.


The liposuction approach is adopted in cases where the enlarged breast is primarily composed of adipose tissue as opposed to glandular tissue. The chances of post-operative complications are quite low in this technique. However, it is not adequate for treating glandular gynecomastia.

In this method, a cannula – a tube with a sharp end – is used to suction out the fatty tissue from the chest in order to recontour it.

In certain situations, a mix of liposuction and excision may be necessary; this will depend on the exact composition of the patient’s male breasts.


It is best advised to consult Dr. Steven Bloch, a board-certified plastic surgeon with a wealth of experience, to determine the composition of your breasts. Dr. Bloch can subsequently identify the best approach to be adopted for your treatment. To schedule your consultation, contact us today.

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