(847) 432-0426 Consultation


Skinpen in the Chicago Metro Area – Stimulate Your Skin

SkinPen is a medical grade micro-needling tool used by skincare professionals in the improvement of acne appearance, fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation and other skin conditions on the face, neck, back, legs, abdomen and other body parts. Skin treatment with the medical-grade pen is minimally invasive. The device works by stimulating the skin’s ability to produce new collagen and elasticity that gives your skin a youthful look. The treatment has minimal side-effects, and you can go home immediately after surgery. This state-of-the-art micro-needling tool is available at Skin Deep Medical Spa owned and managed by the board-certified plastic surgeon from the Chicago metro area. To arrange for a consultation at our medical spa go to www.skindeepmedicalspa.com.

How is the procedure for SkinPen treatment?

Treatment with SkinPen takes about 30 minutes, but it depends on the severity of skin damage, number and size of the area to be treated. Your surgeon will make a series of numerous microscopic channels into your skin using the SkinPen. The procedure of making the tiny channels will feel like tiny pricks on the skin. Your physician will adjust the SkinPen to settings that will suit your condition for added comfortable. The micro injuries on the skin trigger collagen production and no scars are formed. The tiny channels made on the skin also allow the skincare products to penetrate into the dermis for good skin appearance.

How are SkinPen results?

After treatment with SkinPen, your skin may be red or pink and with slight swelling that will last for 1 to 4 days. A healthier youthful looking skin will be seen within the first week after treatment and will continue to improve in the next several weeks as collagen synthesis takes place. The skin damage that has existed for a long period will not disappear immediately, and it may take up to 3 to 6 months for the improvement of the damaged skin after the final treatment session.

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Make your next chapter your most beautiful one yet. Skin Deep Medical Spa is currently welcoming new patients at both locations. Use the online booking tool or call the office to schedule an appointment.

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