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Should You Consider Getting a Facelift?

Should You Consider Getting A Facelift?

A facelift is considered as a comprehensive approach in treating wrinkles and sagging of the face brought about by ageing. Also known as Rhytidectomy, a facelift basically removes the excess skin from the face and tightens the underlying muscle and tissues up to the neck area. This procedure can correct a double chin, sagging, jowls and marionette lines.

Who Should Consider Getting a Facelift?

Dr. Steven Bloch says that facelift is for anyone who does not feel youthful in appearance and would definitely like to look younger. Facial sagging and excessive skin can be a source of low self-esteem for some people. This is the reason why they opt to undergo the procedure.

What Happens During A Facelift?

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The incisions are made along the hairline and probably under the ears. The skin is lifted away from the face like a peel and the tissue is readjusted to a higher position. Excess skin is also removed in the same process. If there are fat deposits on the face they are removed through liposuction. Once the procedure is complete, the skin is draped back on to the face and is secured using sutures.

Consultation Process

While considering a facelift, it is important to gather as much information about the procedure and the various options you have. Choose a plastic surgeon like Dr. Bloch who is duly certified and has a license to perform such procedures given by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

During the consultation expect to discuss your general health condition with your surgeon. Tell him of your goals regarding your appearance. You will also be subjected to a physical examination of the face. The surgeon will also show some examples and pictures of people who have undergone the surgery. You can also visit https://bodybybloch.preview.crystalcleardm.com for a better idea about the procedure.

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