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SculpSure for Non-Surgical Body Contouring

If you have some extra fat on your body that you are finding it difficult to lose, you can have it removed safely and easily. A medical doctor can help you with it, using a laser device called SculpSure. Many people have already received the benefits from this non-surgical approach and are enjoying their new beautifully contoured body.

How SculpSure Works

SculpSure is a laser treatment that is applied to your fat areas with a hand-held device. The light from the laser harmlessly penetrates your skin, and it goes into the fat layer beneath, called the adipose layer. Because it is on the right wavelength, it will not harm the surrounding skin.

In the fat layer, the laser light will begin to warm up the area. Once it reaches a certain temperature, the fat cells will begin to overheat and die. This will activate a process called lipolysis, in which your body will start to remove the fat from that area.

The Time Frame

Using the SculpSure method is not an instantaneous means to lose fat. Instead, you will see a gradual loss of fat in the treated areas. You are likely to begin to see a difference in about six weeks. It will take place over a period of about three months, at which time you should see the maximum benefit. This is a natural process, which means it takes time. This is not a weight loss procedure and should not be used as such.

The Treatments

When you go to Skin Deep Medical Spa, you can expect each treatment to last about 25 minutes. Then the SculpSure laser is applied, and you will find it cool to the touch. As the treatment goes on you may discover that the device begins to warm up. This is perfectly normal. For larger areas, more than one device may be applied.

Once the treatments are completed, you will be able to resume your normal schedule. There is no downtime necessary because it is a non-invasive procedure.

The Treatment Areas

The laser can be used in many areas where there are pockets of excess fat. The FDA has approved its use for this purpose. It can be used to treat fat in your midsection, your bra line, thighs, and chin. In addition to these areas, men can have it applied to help them remove fat on their chest.

The Benefits of SculpSure

This process of enabling you to take off some excess fat in those hard to deal with areas gives you the benefit of not needing any time for recovery. The method is completely non-invasive, and the loss is gradual for natural-looking results. More than one application can also be given to achieve maximum results.

The Candidates

Candidates for the procedure will need to be healthy and at a stable weight. This will be determined during a consultation, as well as what you hope to achieve in your body contouring. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.

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