Is A Facelift In Glenview Right For You?

Body by Bloch offers a facelift in Glenview, IL for clients looking to reduce the signs of aging and give themselves a more youthful appearance. Many people look older than their actual age due to factors like sun exposure, lifestyle choices, and genetics. A facelift can take years off your face and leave you looking as youthful on the outside as you feel on the inside.

A facelift in Glenview is a surgical procedure performed in our offices by our certified plastic surgery specialists. It reduces common problems like sagging skin and underlying muscles, neck flaps, jowls, volume loss in the cheeks and lips, and wrinkles around the nose and mouth. Clients can expect a two-week recovery period before they can resume normal activities. The icing on the cake? The effects of a facelift are intended to be permanent.


What to Expect before a Facelift in Glenview

If you’re considering a facelift in Glenview, the first step is to schedule an initial consultation at our surgery clinic. There, our team will examine your face and discuss your surgery goals. A facelift is one of the more extensive plastic surgery procedures and is ideal for healthy candidates who want to see an improvement in all areas of their face. Ideal candidates should be non-smokers with no underlying skin conditions and a realistic and positive outlook. Dr. Bloch will go over your medical history to ensure no allergies or medication will interfere with the procedure.

Before your surgery, he will advise you on how to prepare. This may include keeping your face clean and free of any foreign substances like makeup, getting a good night’s sleep, and abstaining from any medications that might interfere with anesthesia. You should also arrange plans for your recovery, including having someone to drive you home from your procedure.


What to Expect during and after a Facelift in Glenview

At your surgical appointment, the first step is to put you under with general anesthetic. Dr. Bloch will then begin the careful process of reducing signs of aging to refresh your appearance.

After your surgery, you will be free to return home for recovery. You should be taking it easy during the first week; but after the first day, you will be free to move around the house. Expect to return to non-strenuous regular activities like work or school within three weeks, and follow-up appointments with our team.


Is a Facelift in Glenview Right for Me?


Schedule a Consultation for a Facelift in Glenview!

A facelift is a popular plastic surgery procedure that reduces the signs of aging and eliminates wrinkles and sagging skin. If you’re considering a facelift, contact Body by Bloch in Glenview, IL for more information or to schedule an initial consultation today.

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