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How to Prepare for Eyelid Surgery in Glenview

If droopy eyelids have caused your vision to suffer, or if you’re just unhappy with how your eyelids look, you may be interested in blepharoplasty. This procedure, commonly called eyelid surgery, can enhance the appearance of your eyelids while treating bags and wrinkles under your eyes. At Body by Bloch, we are proud to offer eyelid surgery in Glenview and Highland Park. You are warmly invited to learn some helpful tips about how to prepare for eyelid surgery.

Eyelid Surgery in Glenview: How to Prepare

Get a Medical Evaluation

During a consultation for eyelid surgery in Glenview, a doctor will evaluate your health to determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure. An expert will review your complete medical history, including past procedures and current conditions like circulatory issues, diabetes, and thyroid issues. Your eyelids can be measured and photographed, and your tear production may be tested. You will also take a comprehensive eye exam to evaluate you for several possible conditions like:

  • Dry eye
  • Poor vision
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Glaucoma
  • Cataracts
  • Diabetic eye disease
  • Distance vision
  • Peripheral vision

Stop Smoking

If you consume nicotine, you need to abstain for a set amount of time before and after your procedure. This includes consuming nicotine from smoking, vaping, chewing tobacco, chewing nicotine gum, and using nicotine patches. Nicotine constricts your blood vessels, restricting the blood flow to your organs and elevating your blood pressure. Ask our doctor if you need help quitting before your eyelid surgery in Glenview.

Adjust Your Current Medications

You must abstain from nicotine because it restricts your blood vessels. Similarly, you need to avoid any medications that prevent your blood from clotting normally. These include blood thinners and NSAIDs. You’ll receive a complete list of medications and supplements to avoid preceding and following your procedure.

Find a Driver

Eyelid surgery in Glenview is performed under anesthesia. Blepharoplasty is an outpatient procedure, meaning you will not need to stay in a hospital overnight. Since you can’t drive yourself home after the procedure, you need to arrange a ride to and from the facility. If possible, have someone stay with you for the first few hours after your eyelid surgery. Ideally, you’ll have someone who can stay with you overnight.

Follow Up Your Procedure

Besides arranging a ride to and from your procedure, there are other things you can do to prepare for your eyelid surgery in Glenview. Fill your prescription medications before your procedure and keep them nearby. It is also a good idea to keep easy-to-eat fresh fruits and vegetables on hand.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

Eyelid surgery in Glenview could enhance your appearance and improve your vision, and it is a fast, simple procedure that will have you home just a short time later. As with any procedure, there are steps you must take to prepare. To get started, talk to our team at Body by Bloch. Contact us today to set up an appointment at our office in Glenview or Highland Park.

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