Freshen Your Face With a Forehead Lift in Glenview

Do you see a tired face in the mirror even after a good night’s sleep? Are you tired of the visible signs of aging on your face such as hooded eyelids, forehead furrows, frown lines and sagging brows? If so, then a forehead lift in Glenview, Illinois, could be your best solution. Dr. Steven Bloch, the founder of Body by Bloch and Skin Deep Medical Spa, is a great choice for this procedure. He is a recognized board-certified plastic surgeon and an aesthetic surgery specialist with more than 25 years of experience.


What Is a Forehead Lift?

A forehead lift is a surgical procedure that corrects age-related concerns such as sagging eyebrows, drooping upper eyelids, deepening frown lines and the common vertical wrinkles between the eyes. Getting a forehead lift in Glenview can take years off the look of your face.


What to Expect

A forehead lift either changes the muscle arrangement or removes the skin responsible for the undesirable features. Basically, it defies gravity by repositioning your forehead. If you are getting a forehead lift in Glenview, then you will receive anesthesia but will stay awake. Usually, the treatment involves an incision from ear-to-ear that moves along the top of the forehead and under the hairline. For a hairline brow lift, the surgeon makes the incision between the beginning of your hairline and the top of your forehead. No matter the technique, you will be pain-free and suffer no scarring. Once finished, your medical team will apply a dressing.


Am I a Good Candidate for a Forehead Lift?

If you are dealing with the following issues, then a forehead lift in Glenview just might be a great option for returning your appearance to a younger, more rested looking you:


How to Prepare for a Forehead Lift in Glenview

Before your forehead lift, you will have a patient consultation, in which you will discuss your cosmetic issues, concerns, your health history and discuss everything involved in the procedure. Be sure to ask questions. If you opt for surgery, then the doctor may prescribe blood thinners for you to take. In most cases, visible signs of the procedure disappear entirely in less than three months. Forehead lift patients should avoid vigorous physical activity after the surgery. They can be up and walking in one or two days and can expect to return to work or school after 10 days.


Reasonable Expectations

What should you expect following a forehead lift? When you gaze in the mirror, you will see a younger, refreshed, more rested face. With the outside appearance better matching how you feel on the inside, you may finally feel like yourself again, albeit with some added confidence and mental well-being.


Call Us Today

If you are considering a forehead lift in Glenview, Illinois, contact our team of experts at Body By Bloch. Under the leadership of Dr. Steven Bloch, we work hard so that our patients can transform into the best versions of themselves possible.

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