Breast Revision in Glenview: Reasons Why You May Need One

You may be perfectly satisfied with the techniques and execution of your breast augmentation procedure; however, you may also decide your procedure hasn’t helped you achieve your goals. At Body by Bloch, we’re proud to offer breast revision in Glenview to adjust the results of your breast augmentation procedure. Today, we will discuss just some of the reasons why you may need breast revision.


Reasons for Breast Revision

Sometimes, even if your breast augmentation was performed successfully, you may decide you want to change the appearance of your breasts. Maybe you decided the size, shape or position of the implant was wrong. Maybe you need a corrective procedure due to changes to your body. Popular reasons include:


Implant Malposition

If the pocket holding your implant is too big, the implant can drift out of the ideal position. If this happens, breast revision in Glenview can alter the pocket size to hold the implant in its proper place. This can help you achieve the body of your dreams.


Capsular Contracture

If the tissue around your implant contracts, your breast implants can move to a less-than-ideal position. There are several reasons this may occur, and there are several ways to address this condition. The best approach will be determined during your initial consultation based on the cause and severity of the issue.


Change in Breast Size

Before breast augmentation, a surgeon helps you determine the ideal breast size based on your height, weight, waist and hip measurements and body goals. However, many women decide they want to reduce their breast size following breast augmentation.

Inserting new implants to replace your old ones is among the simplest breast revision procedures that can be performed. To make the process even easier and more effective, let our surgeon know about your original procedure and the size of your current implants.


Change in Breast Tissue

As we age, our breast tissue fundamentally changes. Pregnancy, nursing and rapid weight loss can also change our breast tissue. To maintain the results of your breast augmentation procedure, it may be necessary to revise your original procedure. The revision technique used will depend on the changes that have occurred in your unique case.


Implant Coverage Issues

Sometimes, the tissue covering the augmented breast isn’t thick enough. If that’s the case, you may discover rippling around the breast. If your implants are above the muscle, they can be moved to partially below the muscle. This is known as site changing.


Schedule a Consultation to Get Started

There are many reasons people seek breast revision in Glenview. To learn more, speak with Dr. Bloch and the helpful professionals at Body by Bloch in Glenview and Highland Park. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.

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