5 Facts About FaceTite in Glenview

Several factors like overexposure to sunlight, everyday contact with air pollutants, worry, anxiety, and stress can make your skin look older than it really is. The areas that seem most affected are your face and neck. If you’re looking for a way that’s more minimally invasive than a facelift to tighten your skin, then the FaceTite procedure is an ideal alternative. The professionals of Body By Bloch offer you the opportunity to have FaceTite in Glenview, Illinois.

If you’re interested in knowing more about this procedure, here are five quick facts about FaceTite.


FaceTite Is Minimally Invasive

Performed with a hand-held device that is designed to be as minimally invasive as possible, the FaceTite in Glenview procedure is non-surgical and ideal for people who are not ready to get actual surgery for a facelift or other cosmetic procedure. FaceTite tightens the skin by melting the fat in the areas treated, leaving virtually no scarring on the surface. Unlike surgical procedures, FaceTite does not require the use of stitches, making it easier for you to heal and recover.


FaceTite in Glenview Offers an Instant Lift

This is one of the few procedures that offers visible and clear results almost instantly. In fact, the FaceTite procedure causes the skin to begin to tighten up immediately after the completion of the process. Your skin looks and feels better instantly!

Thereafter, over the course of the next three to six weeks, new collagen is formed, and you’ll notice consistent and continuous improvement in the texture of your skin.


Several Areas Can Be Treated with FaceTite

Although it might be easy to assume because of its name that this procedure is just for the face. In actuality, FaceTite in Glenview can be used anywhere above the shoulders. Typically, the treatment is recommended for the skin around the neck, brow, cheeks, eyes, mouth, forehead, jawline and jowls. Any place in these regions that has saggy skin and deep lines can be rectified using FaceTite in Glenview.


FaceTite Uses Radio Frequency

The device that’s used to perform FaceTite in Glenview has an internal canula that deploys radio frequency energy to an external electrode. This generates a steady stream of focused energy directed into the adipose tissue in the fatty areas of the regions above the shoulder. This technique ensures that the application of radio waves is direct and precise so that when it heats specific targets, it does so without thermally affecting any of the surrounding tissues.


FaceTite Gives Lasting Results

Much like a mini facelift, the results of FaceTite in Glenview can last for around five years. Thereafter, the skin will continue to age naturally due to factors like genetics. However, this does not mean that the results of the procedure will be reversed. What it means is that your lifestyle choices from then on will determine how your skin reacts to the stressors it comes into contact with.

Now that you know some interesting facts about FaceTite in Glenview, you can make an informed decision about how this procedure can benefit you. If you have any further queries, all you need to do is contact the experts at Body By Bloch in Glenview, Illinois, to schedule your initial consultation.

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